Maths Tuition

Pre School

Link the mathematical concepts with the correct terminology

Guide them to read and understand the questions

We understand that students at this age are still building up their vocabulary, so when we expose them to mathematical problems, we will guide them to read and understand the questions first. Often, we use of pictorial aids and manipulatives to help them link the mathematical concepts with the correct terminology in the questions or instructions. Our lessons are also infused with IQ challenges to stimulate their thinking. The students may be required to detect patterns in shapes and numbers or to solve a puzzle in a creative way. Sometimes, quizzes are gamified into fun activities to engage the kids and promote a healthy competition between their peers. To prepare your child for Primary 1 syllabus, our programme will cover topics like:

  • Numbers – 0 to 50, Numbers Comparison, Ordinal Numbers, Number Patterns
  • Measures – Shapes, Symbol Patterns, Length, Graphs, Time and Money
  • Addition & Subtraction – within 10 & 20, Number Bonds
  • Word Problem – Addition & Subtraction Word Problem

Primary 1 & 2

Train the student’s higher order thinking and problem-solving skills

Prompt them to think deeper or present their thought process

Primary 1 and 2 students have to master the foundational skills in the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. While teaching the four operations, we are careful not to let students use rote learning, where students simply apply the operations based on the keywords in the questions without fully understand the concepts. Whenever we detect superficial learning, we will intervene by tweaking the questions to prompt them to think deeper or have them present their thought process in a more concrete manner. Students are taught simplified models for the four operations and heuristics to help them master word problem at a young age. We also incorporate challenging IQ questions into our curriculum to train the student’s higher order thinking and problem-solving skills. Quizzes and assignments are sometimes gamified with rewards and online points system to keep your child motivated and engaged.

Primary 3 & 4

Introduced to basic heuristics in solving word problems

Developing the higher order reasoning skills

In Primary 3 and 4 Mathematics, students are introduced to basic heuristics in solving word problems which lays the critical foundation for upper Primary Mathematics. Our programme place a lot of emphasis on developing the higher order reasoning skills of the students. They are trained to restate the problems, make calculated guess, and draw more advance models. When students are faced with difficulties in problem solving, we provide individual guidance to help them make the right connections and carry through the logic in their thought process. Our lessons are planned such that students learn the problem-solving techniques explained through examples before they tackle questions of varying difficulty to reinforce their understanding and build confidence. Important concepts are also relentlessly revisited throughout the process to ensure concrete mastery by your child.

Primary 5 & 6

Train students the necessary heuristics and strategies

Frequent mock tests to evaluate the student’s progress

As your child advance into upper Primary, the problem sums in Mathematics become more and more challenging. We place extra emphasis on training our students the necessary heuristics and strategies to tackle these challenging word problems. Our practices are segmented according to difficulty level and the heuristics involved so students can drill into them individually. Once the students master the individual heuristics, they will get to practice mixture of different questions to train their ability to apply the correct strategies under exam condition. Students will also be exposed to non-routine questions that requires out-of-the-box thinking. We also have frequent mock tests to evaluate the student’s progress. Through the mock tests, students are trained to think on their feet and learn to manage their time in exam.

Lower & Upper Secondary

Focus on the student at an individual level

Evaluate students’ understanding and quickly identify any gaps in their learning

Our math programme focuses on the student at an individual level. Even though we teach in a group class setting, we constantly monitor student’s understanding and guide them when they are faced with any difficulties. By giving regular practices and assessment, we can evaluate the students’ understanding and quickly identify any gaps in their learning. It is also convenient for students to ask questions, and we will always be there to give the needed support.  Our tutors are reputable for their teaching experience and we use targeted approach to push students to practice more and improve on their grades.

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Our Location

Bensa Academy (Bedok)

527 Bedok North Street 3,
Kaki Bukit Garden, #01-508,
Singapore 460527

Bensa Academy

605 Woodlands Drive 42,
#01-105, Singapore 730605

Contact Us



+65 8053 9918

Bensa Academy (Bedok)

Monday to Friday 14:30 to 21:30 Saturday and Sunday 10:00 to 18:30

Bensa Academy

Monday to Friday 16:30 to 21:30 Saturday 9:30 to 16:30

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